Inicio › Foros › Clientes y programación › Fluffos 2.20-2.23
Pongo esto al día, porque lo teníamos un poco olvidado… he subido la 2.23 al fluven, a ver que tal va rulando.
Añadir también que con la Versión 2.23 se repara un parche que teníamos en las versiones 2.22- y se añade otro nuevo a crypto.c, porque el servidor no tiene las librerías necesarias para la encriptación mdc2 (temas de patentes).
Por último, este paquete (crypto) nos permite utilizar la efun hash(string tipo_encriptacion, string cadena_a_encriptar) que admite los siguientes tipos de encriptación: md2, md4, md5, RIPEMD160 y sha1.
exec return hash(«md5», «test») returns «098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6»FluffOS 2.23
added a terminal_colour_replace apply, this will be called with every string between two %^ delimiters, and will be replaced with whatever is returned.
fixed protocol number for GMCP
fixed sprintf code for MSSP uptime
added defer efun, it takes a function pointer that will be called when the current function ends (even if that was caused by a runtime)
the old range behaviour warning for negative array indexes is now optional
the driver can now be compiled to use either struct or class for structs, or even allow both
fixed crasher in uniq_array
fixed crasher in socket_status
added missing ‘,’ in non iconv driver pcre supportFluffOS 2.22
fixed potential crasher in pcre_extract
removed limit for number of matches in pcre efuns
added classes() efun (woom)
classes(ob) returns a list of class names available in ob
classes(ob, 1) returns the same list, with all the fields in the class (type and name)
you can now have more than 256 Globals ([email protected])
added postgres support ([email protected])
fixed zmp crash
removed some obsolete malloc optionsFluffOS 2.21
small cleanup in malloc32
added gmcp support
gmcp_enable() gets called when a user has gmcp
gmcp() will get called with any received message
send_gmcp(string) will send the string as a gmcp message
has_gmcp(object) returns if the object supports gmcp
fixed sorting when the compare function returns values that don’t fit in a 32 bit int.
fixed memory leak in sorting
new deep_inventory functionality (tiz)
it can now take an array of objects, and a function pointer that can return
0 don’t include this object or it’s contents
1 do include
2 include this object but not it’s contents
3 don’t include this object but do add the contents
the function will be called with one object from the inventory (for each object looked at)
fixed memory leak in new deep_inventory
added pcre support (Volothamp@Final Realms)
string pcre_version(void);
version of the pcre lib
mixed pcre_match(string | string *, string, void | int);
like the regexp efun
mixed *pcre_assoc(string, string *, mixed *, mixed | void);
like reg_assoc
string *pcre_extract(string, string);
extract matching parts
string pcre_replace(string, string, string *);
string replace, one entry in the array for each match
string pcre_replace_callback(string, string, string | function, …);
string replace uses a callback to get the replace string (called with the matched string and match number, starting with 0)
mapping pcre_cache(void);
returns content of the pcre cache (not all that useful)
fixed memory leaks in pcre efuns
fixed crashers in pcre efuns
small optimisation in reg_assoc and pcre_assoc
fixed memory leak in compiling files
restore_object will no longer randomly set 0 values as undefined
fixed crasher in asking for an unused config setting
sprintf buffer is now big enough for max string size
fixed crasher in async_db_exec (never seen for real, but it was possible!)
db_fetch will no longer randomly return some 0s as undefined
dwlib package now has a replace_dollars function which searches for patterns starting with a $ only, otherwise the same as replace() (but faster as it only scans once)FluffOS 2.20
more error check in malloc64
bigger arrays (up to 2^31 elements)
bigger mappings (see arrays)
more efficient clean_up()
setting sockets to close on exec done in a more compatible way (only worked on rather new linux kernels)
no longer sends mccp messages when already compressed (fixes older cmud vversions)
some cleanups for compiler warnings
new roulette_wheel() efun in the dwlib package (Woom)
new replace_objects() efun int the dwlib package (replaces all object references in the argument with filenames recursively)
check_valid_path apply now also used for compile paths (source files)
32BIT fix (Kalinash)
use less chars for string hashes (faster)
correctly do tables in (s)printf with utf-8 strings
use the already existing precalculated string hashes more often
save string length for bigger strings as well instead of using strlen on strings > 64k all the time
NetBSD IPV6 fix (Tiz)
fixed crasher in reference_allowed() (in dwlib.c) -
Ahora mismo ya estamos usando FluffOS 2.22 así que los cambios sólo son de ahí a la 23 no?
Por cierto, que el -RL de nuestra versión es porque Dunkelheit hizo algunos añadidos, y yo también toqué el db.c para poder usar a la vez una BD en mysql y otra postgresql (almenos en fluven, no recuerdo si al final se añadió al MUD, viendo el /secure/master/valid_database.c tal vez no).Respecto a lo de struct, me parece una buena idea, aunque es simplemente un alias de ‘class’. Como ya estamos acostumbrados no sé si vale la pena, pero si se hace habrá que hacer los pertinentes cambios en el código y en la documentación.
Pasamos del struct entonces, got it.
Sí, teníamos la 2.22, puse aquí el changelog porque antes no se había hecho y yo siempre agradecía ver los pequeños cambios en las efuns.
Sobre los cambios de Dunkelheit a la mudlib:
– No usamos postgres para nada
– El cambio del «roll» (temas de rendimiento) ya está aplicado.
– Había un parche con un problema de los sockets, pero ya está arreglado en la 2.23, por lo que no sería necesario aplicar más parches si no fuese porque…
– … la librería crypto.c tiene la opción de encriptar en mdc2 y debian no tiene las patntes de esas librerías, por lo que para compilar el driver, es necesario comentar esas líneas.
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